News Junky

Just venting. Please join me.

Location: Huntington Beach, California, United States

Friday, August 25, 2006

Some "right wing" commentators belong in straight jackets

Savage for sure. But there are others.
Some pretend to know stuff they don't (Savage claims that because he's a scientist he can expose the bogus claims of renown meteorologists about global warming).
Many (e.g. O'Reilly ) hate the ACLU, but were it not for the right to free speech and the ACLU's protection, they'd not be on the air. O'Reilly ridicules the French for not supporting Bush in his war on Iraq. We should all remember France helped us win the Revolution and gave us the Statue of Liberty.
One claimed the refugees from New Orleans are destroying Houston. Some blame the victims that New Orleans is slow to rebuild.
Some think all Muslims are terrorists.
And they invent a bogyman who is everything they hate, and name it Liberal. Who does that serve?
If they cared about their listeners would they feed them this spew?

They are the equivalent of Tokyo Rose... seeking to destroy civilized thinking and action.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A decent analogy?

If the highways are the blood vessels and the power grid the nervous system... how would you rate the health of your community?
Here in Southern California, I'd say the patient is in critical condition.

It's not just journalism

Nobody is as interested in doing as good a job as they used to.
Can you imagine building the Golden Gate Bridge today?