Every one of those who take everything in the bible literally... enough to ignore all the science that debunks such a view... I ask:
- >
- >Do you believe in electrons?
- >Do you own a microwave oven, telephone, cell phone, TV, computer, car?
- >Do you believe in genetics?
Poll: 1 of 3 Americans Say Bible Should be Taken Literally
It seems such people, if they answered honestly, select science using the cafeteria plan. Fields such as biology, geology, astrophysics are rejected, while other fields are embraced. It also seems they are selective about what in the bible to take literally: Literal interpretation
I got a kick out of this site:
Evolution, a Fairytale for Grownups .
Do these people think that since they're created in God's image, God has no more imagination than they? That would make God very dull indeed.
From this site:
"If evolution were true, the fossil record should be littered with countless examples showing many different transitions leading up to the millions of species of these complex creatures. YET WE DO NOT HAVE A SINGLE EXAMPLE! NOT EVEN ONE! The remarkable completeness of this vast portion of the fossil record thwarts evolutionists from cooking up "transitionals" because speculation is not so easy when you have entire specimens. There is not the wild guesswork inherent when dealing with willy-nilly fragments of a tooth here, a leg bone there."
Did God create the teacup poodle? Or don't dogs count? (And why didn't Adam have a dog?) We have living genetic variations, either purposeful or spontanious, all around us.
Did God create the TRex and then change his mind? Or did he just decide to let them become birds?
And what does this say about the US?
U.S. Lags World in Grasp of Genetics and Acceptance of Evolution