Take Back the Fourth Estate
Imagine that someone famous voiced deception and delusion on a daily basis. Then imagine that all the major news wires picked up his every utterance, and presented it as news. It then does not surprise that 30% continue to think it is news... worthy of believing.
If the MSM had been doing its job, Bush would have been impeached years ago. We need a grassroots movement to either boycott or educate the MSM. They need to understand which side of their toast is buttered. The big corporations (agenda and all) provide advertising dollars MSM relies on, but they advertise to sell stuff to you and me... so we can make a difference. Those that are propaganda machines? Let's put them out of business for good. Buy nothing advertised on Fox News, Mike Savage show, etc.
Starting as of now.
If the MSM had been doing its job, Bush would have been impeached years ago. We need a grassroots movement to either boycott or educate the MSM. They need to understand which side of their toast is buttered. The big corporations (agenda and all) provide advertising dollars MSM relies on, but they advertise to sell stuff to you and me... so we can make a difference. Those that are propaganda machines? Let's put them out of business for good. Buy nothing advertised on Fox News, Mike Savage show, etc.
Starting as of now.