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Location: Huntington Beach, California, United States

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Views from the right on the Hamdan case

I have read what several of the right wing blogs have to say about the SCOTUS decision on Hamdan (June 29th).

A common gripe is that the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 (DTA) forbade the Supreme Court from reviewing these cases, and that Article III, Section 2, of the Constitution allows Congress to restrict what the Supreme Court may or may not rule on.

SCOTUS rejected that argument on the grounds Hamdan was already pending when DTA was enacted, and unless DTA addressed existing cases explicitly, they were excluded from the act.
This was to avoid a more far reaching decision, that would have ruled whether Congress had inadvertently and unconstitutionally suspended the writ of habeas corpus via DTA.

Another argument is that the courts are second guessing the presidents reasonable interpretation of international law.
I believe the courts said (5 to 4) that the president's interpretation is unreasonable on the face of it. So I don't see any traction in that point.
I would hope that everybody agrees that the president is to be held accountable and is not omnipotent?

Attacks on the character of the five is not rational debate. Unfortunately some right wing blogger have nothing better to offer. You guys are emotional worm cans. Please, let you brain do at least some of the work.

Others seem to interpret the ruling as invalidating our war on Terror. That's a knee jerk panic reaction. Relax and do your homework.
here, here and here

And many see the ruling for what it is.
here and here

And special kudos here

I suggest the right wing join the left and celebrate this ruling, because it reinforces separation of powers and the rule of law. It is very narrow in scope... and even provides guidance to both Congress and Executive to remedy the situation lawfully.
If you are really wanting Bush to be dictator of America, then, and only then, this ruling would be a setback.

As for the left thinking Bush has been slapped down? No, I don't think so. Although it does reinforce the 2004 decision here that AUMF and Article II do not give Bush a blank check.

Also read Slate for an overview of blogger reactions.


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